Jumat, 08 November 2019

Englis Fiesta 2019


English Fiesta 2019 was held by English Letters Student Association for three days. The agenda was held on 29 October and 5-6 November 2019. There were some competitions participated by the students of Department of English Literature. The competitions are Accoustic, Futsal, Spelling bee, King and Queen, E-sport and Drama.

This agenda is held every year to give the chance for the student of  Department of English Literature perfom their talents in Eglish and have a good relationship with their friends from different generations. Certainly, it gives the experience following the competition.

Maliki English Festival 2019


English Letters Students Association held "Maliki English Festival 2019" in Faculty of Humanities UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. It was held on 24-26 November 2019. The event is included series of academic competitions such as story telling, news reading, intermediate translation, speech, English olimpiade and one of the entertainment competitions is singing contest .

The competitions were perfomed by the students of Senior High School at the National extent. The audiences who consisted of the official and the supporters of each participant.The purpose of Maliki English Festival 2019 to develop the potensial and creativity of students in English.